About Us


My name is Amber, and I am the mom of a beautiful little girl who was born in 2005, as well as twins that were born in 2008. As you can imagine, I love them dearly and with all my heart. I want them and my future grandchildren to have a healthy planet. And like any mom, I want them to be healthy, eat healthy food and have a healthy life.

I have come to realize that if the general well-being of the planet does not improve, life will be much different for our children. If we continue to abuse the planet on which we depend, we will have to answer to our children. The question “What did you do to stop this?” will be a question we will all have to confront.

It is because of this that I feel compelled to do what I can to be sure I am proud of my answer. And hopefully, just maybe, if we all get involved – this question won’t ever need to be asked.

In addition, I am trying to educate myself about healthy food ingredients and issues that might be affecting our food/water supplies. It is only by educating ourselves and having access to reliable information that we can make choices for ourselves.

So … I am asking you, even if you aren’t sure that climate change is really happening, to do something. Even if you aren’t sure whether GMO’s are good or bad, educate yourself and make a decision.

We as humans must improve our stewardship of this earth and reduce the footprint of destruction that each of us as individuals leave on the planet. We must increasingly recycle, reuse and reduce. I am not asking you to change your lifestyle dramatically, just to do one small thing each week. Then the following week, make another small adjustment.

If everyone does something, we can make a difference.

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